No Mans Sky: The Cursed Expedition Guide


Sean Murray and the team at HelloGames are back at it again, releasing a new update and expedition called “The Cursed” that brings a range of creepy creatures, planets to explore, and even a new ship. This expedition only runs for two weeks so I don’t have time to write a big intro, let’s dive into this guide and get it done!

Before you begin the expedition, don’t forget you can lower some difficulty settings to help speed you through this expedition. I always recommend you don’t touch the combat settings as this could impact your progress, but feel free to tweak difficulty elsewhere.

Out of Time & Ink Stained Skies: As usual, the first objective is to locate your ship. Put on your visor to track it down. While you’re heading towards it, take out your Boltcaster and blast the Boundary Horrors away. You need to kill 16 of them to tick off the objective which you won’t be able to do all in one go, but they will pop up again before you leave the first planet so blast away! Don’t actually enter the ship, instead follow the voice and head inside the base. Activate the terminal and then walk outside, the objective will tick off!

Elixir of Glass: Craft the Elixir of glass that you just learned from the expedition reward. Drink the Elixir, and tick off another objective!

If you stop drinking Elixers of Glass and let the boundary waver, you will unlock “The Edge of Glass” objective, and for another quick and easy objective, use your terrain manipulator to dig 1600 units underground for the “Fear The Sun” objective. Keep in mind you don’t have to dig 1600 units deep, just go a bit under the surface and create a long tunnel. Or if you want to speed things up, just dig down and spin while firing your terrain manipulator. Doing this objective early helps as you will get a pre-packaged refiner for your exosuit!

Let’s repair your starship now to complete the Nowhere to Run objective. You will need it to harvest gold for the next Elixir. Repair your ship using the required materials, and leave the planet. This will tick over the objective. While you’re amongst the stars, start mining asteroids for 20 gold, and grab 40 silver if you can then head back down to the planet you were on, or find another planet with Sentinels.

Written in Blood: To create the Elixir of Blood, you’re going to need Mordite from killing creatures, Pugneum from defeating sentinels, and Gold from Asteroids. Gather enough materials to make 2 of them and craft it. Make sure you select the objective and it should advise you to drink it. Drink it to receive the Elixir of Quicksilver Recipe.

Dislocation: Now we need the materials for the Elixer of Quicksilver. Silver is from asteroids, pure ferrite is from refining ferrite dust, and chromatic metal is from refining copper. If you’re on the starting planet, you will refine cadmium to get chromatic metal. Craft the elixir and drink it. This will reveal a portal.

Along the way, if you’ve done a bit of walking on foot, the Well Grounded objective should tick off. Don’t stress if it hasn’t this will come naturally as you progress.

Beyond the Boundary: Once you have drunk the Elixir of Quicksilver, a portal will be revealed. Get into your starship and head there. Get in front of the portal and use the terminal, offer the elixir of blood to activate it, and then simply walk through the portal. Reinitialize reality. Phase 1 of this expedition is now complete.

Regain your bearings and head to the planet “Urston” in the system you are in. If for some reason it isn’t named that on your format, look for the Fiery Planet that has ancient bones on it.

Beyond Death & Hewn from Light: We are going to need to excavate 10 ancient bones on this planet, as well as 5 storm crystals. Ancient bones show up with a yellow icon, similar to buried technology modules. Storm Crystals are only visible in extreme storms, so harvest bones until the weather takes a turn for the worse. You can find Storm Crystals with your visor indicated by the lightning bolt icon, and Ancient burial sites can be found using the target sweep visor.

Once that is done you will be able to craft a new Elixir of blood. But first, we need a portal. Craft an Elixir of Quicksilver to reveal a portal, head to it, and use the Elixir of blood on the terminal. Head through the portal and re-initialize reality to complete Breach Two and Phase 2!

You will see the planet is now corrupted. Start mining all the living crystals (The purple ones) to amass Atlantidium for the Discordant objective. Also, take this time to hunt down Corrupted Quadrupeds. You’ll need to defeat 8 of them to achieve the Arachnophobia objective. They usually hang around dissonant resonators.

We will then have to leave this planet and find the Infested planet in this system. Land there, and defeat 8 hungering tendrils. On the infested planet, use your target sweep mode and find a Titan Worm nest. When there, you will need to defeat the hungering tendrils. Rinse and repeat until 8 are defeated and tick off the Endless Hunger objective.

Since we are planet-hopping, find the Scaly planet in the same system. It will have 3 lifeforms, 2 of which are needed to complete the Genetic Glitch Milestone.

Now, head to the Redacted Planet and install your pre-packaged fishing unit. You have to fish up 4 anomaly fish to complete the In Wine Dark Seas milestone. It seems the further the boundary drops, the higher the chance of catching one. Good luck!

Once you have the fish, if your boundary level is still low, start blasting some more Boundary Horrors, once you eliminate 64 of them, you will unlock the Ink Drenched Skies Milestone.

Now, on the same planet, find some deep water. You need to float on the surface of the water with a depth of 60 units below you for 60 seconds. If you follow the objective it will count it for you. My UI disappeared sometimes throughout it but I didn’t move and got the In Deep Water milestone.

Since we are in deep water we need to get 4 Hypnotic Eyes from Abyssal Horror. shoot them, and defeat it for its eye to tick off the Glassy Stare milestone. Target Sweep will assist you with finding the Horrors when you select the Milestone to track.

When it becomes dark, stare at the stars for 60 seconds uninterrupted to complete the Serenity, Reclaimed Milestone. This will give you the latest Elixir of Blood recipe.

Let’s craft this new Elixir, and if you need to find a portal, craft a Quicksilver Elixir too. Head to the portal and use the new Elixir of Blood on the terminal, walk through it, reinitialise reality, and complete Breach Three, and Phase 3!

Leave the planet you are on and head to the space station in the system. We need an Emergency Signal detector in order to get tainted metal. Abandoned Frigates are dangerous so make sure you’re prepared for a fight. When you finish the freighter and have a chance to select a reward, I recommend selecting Nanites. Head back to the space station and hand in the manifest and the log to the Scrap Deal who will give you tainted metal completing the Metal Bones Milestone.

While you’re here, I recommend buying and scrapping ships and selling the modules to earn nanites to tick off the Reality Foam milestone. For those who don’t know how to do this, simply purchase ships that land in the station, scrap them, sell the parts for money, and the modules to module dealers for nanites. The higher the quality ship, the higher the nanite’s reward. You can also find abandoned structured and refine larval cores from the eggs around the outside of the bases for some quick and easy nanites.

Before you leave here, I recommend visiting the cartographer and purchasing a few maps for alien cartographic data, it will be a much faster way to find alien ruins compared to the signal booster.

Head back into your ship and select breach 4. The portal should be marked but if it isn’t, drink an Elixir of Quicksilver to locate it. Craft the new Elixir of Blood recipe, activate the portal, walk through it, and re-initialize reality to complete both Breach 4 and Phase 4!

Time to locate some Alien Ruins. Use those planetary charts we picked up to get the job done quickly. If you missed it before, I recommend visiting the cartographer and purchasing a few maps for alien cartographic data, it will be a much faster way to find alien ruins compared to the signal booster—Tick of the Stone Ghosts milestone. We are almost done!

Craft the final Elixir of Blood and also a Quicksilver Exlixir to locate a portal. You know the drill! Offer the blood at the terminal, activate and enter the portal, re-initialise reality, and check off Breach Five.

Jump in your ship and head to the new icon that has appeared called the boundary break, it’s time to probe the wall of reality. Use your target sweep scanner to lock down your objective. Interact with the grave marker to complete The Face of Glass.

Craft and drink the Elixir of Water and prepare to fight! I recommend circle-strafing the Boudary Guardian while maintaining fire on it. Defeat it, and you not only tick off To Drink The Water and Boundary Guardian, but you also complete Phase 5, and the Expedition!

Turn in the expedition if you are playing on your main save, redeem your ship, and I hope you had a great time! If you found this useful, feel free to drop a like and subscribe, and I’ll see you amongst the stars, Travellers!

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